Posted: July 13, 2015 by Jaime Stenning
In a debate on the Daily Telegraph Business Club forum, members recounted experiences of accountants’ lack of understanding about marketing and business development.
James Hurley wrote a great article entitled:
Accountants Don’t Understand Marketing
Maybe the title should have read ‘most accountants’ or ‘some accountants’, but obvious not ‘all accountants’.
Re-reading the article, it is really rather good. Yes, I precipitated the debate but after that I am innocent. This is not about me but about the opportunities that are available to some/most accountants if they could become more customer-focused and think a little bit more about how they present themselves and what they offer their clients (their marketing).
A couple of key points:
Here are some quotes and highlights from the article.
Accountants Don’t Understand Marketing
The discussion was on the Business Club’s forum, hosted on LinkedIn.
Robert Craven
01225 851 044
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